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The UK trail challenge

Traversing the ByWays and ancient roads of the UK is going to be the focus for regular L.O.S.T challenges over the next couple of years. Both the Trans European Trail (TET), Great Western Trail (GWT) plus other ancient routes offer us a series of new challenges and purpose for the group. These routes will provide us an opportunity to navigate and explore some of the UK's remotest countryside and routes. In true L.O.S.T fashion each official  route section includes a mixture of By and B roads. These will structure our Enduro's and maximise our chance of finding some real wilderness. Of course, camping and beer make up the last of the vital ingredients for adventure. The challenge then is to complete as many as possible routes ,running from the South West England, up through Wales and then 'up North'. The overall route can however be completed using a mixture of either Scooter or Bike.  Specific  alternative routes will be provided where off-road byways exist.  


Start the plan........ 

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